I spent my weekends 'killing' assignments! *laughs nervously*
This is my final work:
- Can you guess who I drew? (=w=)
We were given 3 choices to choose and draw and I picked SHREK! Have you guess correctly?~
FYI, the above drawing consist of the 4 elements — Line, Dot, Shape and Texture
Okay craps. Moving on... ...
Actually...... I've nothing much to talk about... I don't have the time for shopping, playing or anything. School tied me up for the past few weeks. That's why... (-__-") That being said, probably there won't be any favorite item or whatever stuff to share about... But anyway, there will be some crappy and boring post about my school life. HAHAHA! I'm a typical blogger. (^−^)ヾ
Alright, I've dental appointment in the evening today. Aren't free tonight so yups, gonna start doing yesterday's assignment now. Shall update again soon. Bye peeps~☆
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