

Breastfeeding - Good For Baby and Mom

 Are you thinking about breastfeeding your baby?  Whether you've just found out that you are pregnant or are due soon; you've likely been inundated with information about whether or not to nurse your child. 

There are many factors to take into consideration when making this decision:
Will you work after the arrival of your baby?   How long will you have available for maternity leave?   Do you have support from your partner, family and friends to breastfeed; or are you in an environment in which breastfeeding is a foreign concept? 

All of these elements, and more, may have an impact on your perception of nursing.  I'd love to encourage you to at least try breastfeeding and to share some tips and tools that really helped me.   I've been fortunate enough to be able to breastfeed all of my six children.  My oldest child is 17 years old and my youngest is three. 

With each child the experience and duration for which we nursed was different.   I've nursed while working - and nursed while working as a stay-at-home mom.  The shortest time period I've breastfed was for eight months and the longest is three years and still going. 

I've nursed while perched on the edge of a toilet in a public bathroom stall with the lady next to me wondering what the noises were (in my early days before I felt comfortable nursing in public).  And I've nursed in front of crowds of people with them being none the wiser (I got really good at using my blouse as a shield).

I've had babies that took forever to learn to nurse (my oldest was in NICU for the first few days of his life and was confused from the pacifiers the nurses gave him against my wishes).  And I've had babies that literally found their way to my breast within a few moments of being laid on my bare chest after birth. 

I've figured out how to eat, type and walk around while nursing.  I've even gotten really good at picking up toys with my toes while nursing.  I'm guessing even the circus would be impressed with the contortions I can wind myself into while feeding my infant!

I, like many of you, came from a family that wasn't all that breastfeeding savvy.  My grandmother bottle fed her babies with a formula (recommended by the doctor) made of canned milk and dark corn syrup.  My mother nursed me for a month or so but thought she was starving me to death.  I was hungry more often than her friend's babies were so she thought I wasn't getting enough milk.  Her friend's babies were formula fed and she said that no one encouraged her to continue on.  

It would have been easy to give up breastfeeding with my oldest son.  He was premature and it took almost a month to train him to nurse.  We were staying with my mother while remodeling a house and she was a very doting grandma.  She wanted to bottle feed him because it gave her special time with her grandson.  I got into a crazy, time consuming, cycle of pumping my milk only to have someone else feed my baby.  I am so thankful that I didn't give into the overwhelming urge to stop.

Two things that made a huge difference and allowed me to nurse my son to 13 months old were:
A spectacular lactation consultant who helped me teach my son to suckle properly.
And my mother-in-law who had nursed her children and was adamant that I was capable of doing so.

Here are some things you should know about breastfeeding ~

Breast milk and the physical experience of being breastfed really is good for your baby!  Overwhelming evidence supports the benefits of breastfeeding your baby.   The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that you nurse your baby exclusively for the first six months of life and continue to nurse to one year or so long as it is mutually beneficial to both mom and baby. 

You can visit this link for some good information  American Academy of Pediatrics Breastfeeding FAQ

All six of my children have been incredibly healthy and bright.  Coincidence?  I don't think so.  I believe that the perfect food has given my kiddos the best possible start in life.

Breastfeeding is good for the family! 

Not only can breastfeeding help prevent illnesses and allergies, breastfeeding can save your family a huge amount of money and extra work over the long haul.  Contrary to popular belief, bottle feeding a baby isn't easier than breastfeeding, especially in the middle of the night!  With breastfeeding there are no late night crying sessions while we fumble to make a bottle, just a little fussing and rooting around to wake Mom up.  Then baby nurses peacefully and is back to sleep quickly.

Happy Baby = Happy Family!

Our family's experience is that a breastfed baby is a happier baby.   All the skin-to-skin contact and cuddling is good for baby.    The easily digestible breast milk reduces painful tummy aches too!  A great resource on the benefits of breastfeeding and helpful tips can be found at .  It's a free website and is full of information.

Breastfeeding is good for you! 

The average mom will burn 500 calories a day to make breast milk.  There aren't many exercise programs that can boast that big of a calorie burn! I've always returned to my pre-pregnancy weight within several months of giving birth without dieting or exercising.  I have no doubt that my weight loss is the result of breastfeeding.

 Breastfeeding also slows the return of menses in many women, allowing a time period in which the body isn't losing iron.   Studies also show that breastfeeding reduces a woman's chance of developing breast cancer. 
See breastcancer at

Breastfeeding also release the hormone prolactin that helps you to feel calm.   Every mom could use a little relaxation!

When you choose to breastfeed, you don't have to be alone in the care of your baby.  There are many ways for everyone in the family to be important to baby; such as holding and soothing.  And there are so many wonderful products on the market to help make breastfeeding even easier.   The few items that our family relied on were a great breast pump for those times that I might need to be away,  bottles that closely imitated the natural breast, and reusable milk storage containers.

~ My favorite products are ~

Medela Pump in Style Advanced Backpack

I loved the fact that this discreet looking backpack contained an efficient and powerful double pump (which allowed me to pump as quickly as possible on my breaks).  Medela's exclusive "one touch" let-down button helps to better mimic your baby's suckling cycle (faster at first to get your milk to "let down", then more slowly once your milk is flowing).  This feature really made all the difference in the world.  I also looked at a photo of my daughter to help me relax and imagine her nursing.  (Let's face it, a mechanical pump doesn't feel exactly like your baby).   This pump isn't cheap (at $250.00 it's still far less expensive than some comparable electric pumps on the market) but it is well worth the money.  If you are a working mom and weighing out the costs between purchasing a quality pump vs  formula feeding; you will save money by choosing this pump as it will pay for itself within a couple of months.  *Considering that a month's supply of formula is estimated to cost you between $150-200.00.

*See The Labor of Love and thesimpledollar

Ameda One Hand Breast Pump- BPA Free

A far less expensive option (around $30.00), this unique one handed manual pump was a very good choice for me when I wasn't working outside of the home.  I liked that my hand didn't get tired (it has a very cool ergonomic squeeze handle that allowed me to pump one breast while baby nursed on the other).  If you are a working mom you could purchase two to save time especially if you won't have access to electricity in a private area.   I've used this pump a lot through the years and love that it is small and battery/electricity free (I can pump anywhere!)

Lansinoh mOmma Feeding Bottle, 5 Ounce

Nothing is more frustrating to pump your precious milk only to have your baby refuse to take the bottle it is in.  Your baby will be used to your natural shape and a hard funny shaped bottle nipple can totally throw your baby off.  The Lansinoh mOmma Feeding Bottle is brilliant!  It is the first nipple I've seen that genuinely looks like a human nipple that has just been nursed on (yes, your nipples will look like that, don't worry, they won't stay that way!)  At approximately $7 per bottle, these are well worth the money.   If you plan on pumping your breast milk, don't waste your time and money on anything else.

Medela Breastmilk Freezing & Storage (*BPA Free) 12 Pack of 80ml Bottles in Retail Packaging #87061

You can store your milk in disposable bags or reusable containers.  I prefer the reusable containers for multiple reasons.  Reusable containers are less likely to leak, will save you money over a very short period of time and hold up better to transportation.  And most will accommodate a standard bottle ring and nipple if you choose to use that style of bottle. 

TL Care 6 Pack Organic Cotton Nursing Pads, Natural

Trust me, you will leak milk at first.   My milk would let down anytime I would think about my baby or anytime I heard another newborn cry.  I worked at the hospital for several years so I was exposed to crying babies often.  One helpful trick to stop the flow of milk is to take your forearms and press them firmly into your nipples until the threat of leakage stops.  If you clasp your hands together and put them under your chin, you can even make it look like you're fascinated by the conversation around you! 

That being said, there will still be times your milk will leak.  To catch the leaks you'll want nursing pads.  Usually round and thin, they slip inside your bra.  You can buy disposables or washable cloth.  I've tried both and would highly discourage you from using disposables.  They have a thin plastic liner that does a great job of keeping the milk from leaking onto your blouse, but they STINK!  Literally!  Imagine sour milk on a hot day.  Ugghhhh!  I had much better results with washable cotton pads.  They still kept the leakage from reaching my outer garments and didn't smell bad.  I loved that I could throw them in the wash and not have to spend more money on disposables. 

Once you've nursed for a while, your body will adjust and those unexpected leaks won't happen.   I usually stop springing leaks when baby is around four months old.

Motherhood Maternity: Wireless Full Coverage Nursing Bra

I've had many different styles of nursing bras but I'd say my favorite is from Motherhood.  It isn't ugly and is cut low enough that I can wear it with my normal tops.  Some nursing bras are too high up for my clothing or don't fit well.  This one is smooth, functional, and not itchy.  You'll be glad you bought one.   Motherhood has a lot of great nursing clothes (at least in our store) which aren't absolutely necessary but make nursing or pumping discreetly a breeze.  You might consider a few tops to start with, then decide whether you want to purchase more.  I'm a cheapskate so the bras were the only necessary purchases.  For the rest of my wardrobe, I got by on my regular clothing except for a few special items.  My nursing apron basically turned any outfit into a nursing outfit.

Bamboobies Cute Little Nursing Cover, Black

To avoid having to hide in a bathroom stall to feed your sweet baby while out in public I would highly recommend you purchase a nursing cover.  While I'm quite skilled at using just about anything to cover up; I have 17 years of practice.   A cover up with something that goes around your neck or shoulders is a huge blessing for a first time breastfeeding mom.   Especially when your baby begins to yank the blanket off to see what else is going on in the room.

There are a lot of covers on the market but I really like the Bamboobies nursing cover.  It's trendy enough that you can feel stylish instead of matronly.   It's cute enough that you could wear it as a layer blouse.

One More Thing You Should Know

You will probably read over and over that breastfeeding shouldn't hurt.  You'll read that if your baby is properly latched on, you shouldn't feel nipple discomfort.

Breastfeeding shouldn't hurt for very long but you will likely feel discomfort at first (even with a properly latched on baby) because your BOOBS ARE EXPERIENCING CHANGES!  Compare it to breast tenderness with puberty or pregnancy.  Now add a suckling baby in the mix.  You might get lucky and feel no discomfort.   I felt discomfort for at least the first few days of nursing with each child. 
By all means, don't ignore your baby's latching technique.  You shouldn't be in excruciating pain and it should get better with time.  But don't assume something is wrong just because it hurts a little.

Poppy and Baby Poppy

~ Remember ~

The most important thing is you.  No matter what products you decide to use to enhance your breastfeeding experience- just remember the only required equipment needed is you!  As long as you are with your baby, you will never need to sterilize bottles, measure formula or check temperatures.  Only you can provide the perfect food for your baby.   Studies show that the composition of your milk changes depending on your baby's age, hunger level and  environment. 

Read Infant Nutrition Council's breastmilk information to learn how breast milk adapts to your baby's unique needs.   You'll never take your breasts for granted again!

Find support ~

My final piece of advice is to find true supporters if you decide to breastfeed.  There will be plenty of people ready to cast doubt into your mind about your ability to nourish your child as nature intended.   I've had loved ones, strangers, medical professionals (yes, even a doctor), and friends make discouraging remarks to me.  When you are in a weakened and tired state, you'll need someone to reassure you that you CAN give your baby everything that he or she needs. 

So begin to seek out those supporters now.  Find a local La Leche League chapter in your city or join an online support group.  Perhaps you have a friend that has successfully nursed a child who would be willing to be there for you.  Don't be too hard on your partner if he or she doesn't seem confident in your abilities but don't hesitate to say "Back off!  I can do this! My body was created to do this!"  We all make well meaning remarks that aren't so helpful at times.  Keep in mind your partner might be just as unsure as  you are. 
And remember,  I'm always here for real mom support if you need a little (or a lot of) encouragement.  Don't hesitate to leave a comment or question, I'll try to respond promptly. 

Please also feel free to share your breastfeeding tips and experiences readers!  Breastfeeding is an amazing experience.  If you are thinking about breastfeeding I hope that I might have swayed you to give it a try.  You'll be so glad you did! 

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Homemade Chocolate Lip Balm

Make your own decadent chocolate lip balm with only four natural ingredients.  It's easy to turn these items into a soothing stick of rich chocolate yumminess!  Give as a beautiful handmade gift or treat yourself.  Follow these simple steps to create your own delectable lip balm.

Start with four ingredients -
1 oz cocoa butter (approx. 2 Tbsp)
1/2 teaspoon coconut oil
1 to 2 Tbsp cocoa powder
1 tsp ground cinnamon

Included at the end of this
article are links where
you can find supplies.
We happened upon a
clearance at our
local Walgreens.

1) Slowly melt the cocoa butter over low heat in a
double boiler.  I don't own a double boiler so I
made a makeshift one with a pyrex bowl and a

Cocoa butter could crystalize if you melt it too

Stir gently as the cocoa butter melts.  Be careful
to not let the butter get too hot.  It should never
smoke or spatter.  Mine didn't even look steamy.

2) Once the cocoa butter has melted remove from
heat and add the coconut oil.  Stir gently until
coconut oil has melted.

3) Add the cinnamon and cocoa powder.  I used
2 Tbsp of cocoa powder but you can add more or less
depending on the desired strength and color.

4) Whisk the dry ingredients into the oil mixture until
blended well.  You might notice a little cinnamon
residue at the bottom but don't be concerned.
Most of it will be incorporated into your

5) You could pour your mixture
into empty pots, chapstick tubes
or anything else that you have
handy.  I decided to use the
original tube the cocoa butter
came in.  It's not very pretty as a
gift but just fine for me.

Since my container had a little
push up piece of plastic at the
bottom,  I covered
the bottom with plastic wrap
to ensure that the mixture wouldn't
leak while cooling.

6) Allow your balm to cool for
several hours or more.  Mine took
at least 4 hours to set up. 

The results were smooth and
delicious!   A perfect mix
of natural oils and antioxidant
rich ingredients. 


For supplies visit the following ~

Coastal Scents Cocoa Butter, 16 Ounce

Nature's Way Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, 16 Ounce

10 Natural (Clear) 0.15 oz. Lip Balm Empty Containers

Claim T7A5MGJ3K686
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Looking for Perfect (Inexpensive) Mother's Day Gift Ideas?

Are you a procrastinator like me?  Does every gift giving occasion turn into a frantic last minute rush to find just the right gift?  Do you end up spending more money than you'd like? 

This year Mother's Day can be different!  If you start looking now you can take advantage of some awesome bargains.  I've found some really great gift ideas that are offered at a huge discount for a limited time only (most are good for the next 10 days).

Check these out!

 To see all of these deals and more

Shop Amazon Local - Subscribe to Deals in Your Neighborhood

$40 to spend on Mother's
Day at
Purchase $40 voucher
for $20!  That's 50% off!

I've received amazing gifts
from my sister
from RedEnvelope
and they are beautifully

This site has some
truly unique and tasteful
gifts!  You won't be

$20 for $40 to spend
on flowers for
Mother's Day
at Teleflora!

Who doesn't like to
receive flowers?
$15 for $30 to spend
They have many
choices of items that can
be personalized for Mom!

They also offer a quality
gift-wrapping service
to make her experience
One of my favorite ideas
is offered by

They will transfer your
special photographs to
canvas OR create a

You can get a 16 x 20
custom gallery wrap canvas
with free shipping for
$35!  Regular price is 120.95!
This is a huge savings! 
(Other sizes and products
are also discounted greatly 
through this special offer). 

PhotoBin is offering a
customized 8.5 x 11
hardcover photo book from
$10 to $19!  Not only
is this a really cool
Mother's Day gift idea,
this is $39.99 to $59.99 value!
That translates into a 75%
savings!  Wow!

Picture It On Canvas is
offering a Plastic or
Silicone Custom Case
for iPhone 4 or 5 for
only $12 with free shipping! 
Normally a $29.95
value, this darling idea is a
steal through this special

Is she a tea lover?
ESP Emporium is offering
$70 to $100 packages for
$35 to $50!  This is a
50% savings! 
They have anything
and everything that a
tea lover might want!

I've listed just of few of the great Mother's Day gift ideas I found on Shop Amazon Local.  When you subscribe you will also be notified of local deals or special purchases from your hometown businesses throughout the year.    

These are real deals that are offered only for a limited time (most that I've shown you here will expire in 10 days or so) and are not offered to everyone.   Remember - you will need to subscribe to get in on the special buys.  It's easy and free!  Just click on the link below and get in on the money saving offers. 

Shop Amazon Local - Subscribe to Deals in Your Neighborhood
Update!!!  A reader
asked to see a bird's nest
pendant on our Mother's Day
gift ideas.  I searched and found
a great deal on a darling pendant necklace 
and earring set for JUST $14.99!
The eggs are made from freshwater
pearls and the nests are
silver plated wire. 

This deal isn't through the
subscription but you can
view the set here
Birds Nest Pendant & Earrings

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Acne Remedies That Actually Work (Pamela Cobb)

All people go through a stage in their lives where they have to deal with acne. For some, it's just a phase that will eventually end, but for many, it's something they will have to deal with for years and years. It's not a dangerous skin condition, but it can leave scars and make the skin look ugly. Fortunately, acne is not something you can't remedy. Today, there are hundreds and even thousands of products that are dedicated for this particular condition. The thing about acne, though, is that it's not something that will disappear overnight after you treat it with a beauty cream you saw on TV. Acne is strongly genetic, so the only way you can deal with it is from its roots. The good news is that even if acne is genetic, there's still a large part of it that's under your control. Here are some methods that can help you deal with such a stubborn problem.

Skincare Regimen

Acne is actually a result of having oily skin, so you have to deal with oily skin if you want to control it. One of the best ways to deal with oily skin? Establishing a skincare regimen. Your skincare regimen does not necessarily have to involve complicated rituals and expensive products. Even the simple routine of washing your face with warm water and soap before you go to bed at night should provide significant results.

Well-Balanced Diet

Studies on the link between acne and diet have found that foods low in oil and sugar can reduce acne. Stay away from foods that can lead to oily skin, and opt for foods rich in fiber instead. Veggies with high water content such as cucumber and fruits rich in vitamin A like carrot and sweet potato are also excellent choices as they have anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce acne. If you love seafood, oyster is perfect for you as it contains zinc that can zap acne out.

Regular Exercise

Some say exercise causes acne and some say it helps cure it. If you come to think of it, it only makes sense that the latter is more accurate. Exercise helps flush toxin out of the body through the skin. It also stimulates blood flow, which nourishes the skin. Perhaps the reason why some people claim exercise can cause acne is the fact that you perspire a lot after a good workout, and this causes to clog the pores. If you wash your skin properly after working out, this shouldn't be a problem at all.

Adequate Beauty Rest and Sleep

Recent studies reveal that lack of sleep can cause acne through inflammation. When you sleep late, the pro-inflammatory cytokines in your body increases, causing inflammation. Sleeplessness also affects your hormones, which regulates your body's glucose metabolism. This can result to certain conditions including acne. To reduce acne, make sure you get enough sleep at night. Sleep and rest also reduces stress, which is another culprit for oily skin and acne.

Laser Skin Treatment

Finally, consider laser skin treatment. This medical procedure can be expensive, but many people prefer it because of its effectiveness in reducing acne. If you have tried everything that you can and you still suffer from severe acne, this might be the answer to your problem. Check out laser skin treatment at Heberdavis and find out how you can benefit from this procedure.

Pamela Cobb is a skincare expert with over 8 years experience in the health and beauty industry. She recommends that you check out Heberdavis to find more info on IPL skin treatment.
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Acne scars removal: Five common myths busted (Liposuction Option)

In a beauty and appearance conscious world, Acne scars removal strategies are greatly sought after. Indeed, there are many proven ways to heal these marks and enjoy the benefits of a flawless skin. But sadly, people often try to resort to methods which are not backed up by proofs or evidence. They rely upon hearsay or unconfirmed sources, and end up making their situation worse. Here is the truth about some common misconceptions regarding this cosmetic concern.

Some myths and the real truth:

Wash your face frequently to prevent breakouts and marks. This is true only to a certain extent. Excessive washing will deplete oils from your skin, which will increase sebum production to combat dryness. And this will lead to pimples. Wash your face to remove grime, and use a gentle cleanser.

If you have pimples, you should use face washes meant for oily skin. This will only strip away essential oils from your skin, and the side effects will be the same as that for excessive washing. It is wiser to use a mild and gentle face wash, or get the advice of an expert.

Exfoliate regularly to facilitate rejuvenation of new and clear skin. Regularly means once in two weeks. Exfoliation should be done with a gentle scrub in a gentle massaging manner. Too harsh a treatment will damage your skin further, and too frequent treatment will deplete oils.

X, Y or Z is a certain remedy for pimple marks. This varies from one individual to another. What works for one may not work for another. So, make the effort to find out if the so-called universal cure is actually suitable for you or not.

Lasers, peels and abrasion treatments are incredibly painful. They are not any more painful than waxing or threading.

Only teenage pimples leave marks. This ranks high up there with the belief that breakouts stop miraculously after you reach adulthood. Breakouts can occur anytime, and if they are not managed properly, they will lead to marks.

So as you can see, myths about Acne scars removal are based on small figments of truth. However, half-truths are more dangerous than fiction, and hopefully it is clear from the explanation of the myths. Getting familiar with this is necessary so that you can avoid complicating matters for yourself. If you want to get your marks treated, then consult a reputed and certified dermatologist.

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Ban the acne! (Geeta Okhal)

Some quick tips that will take you a step closer to flawless skin and fight the miserable skin foe

You are all set for an awesome dinner date or its your best friend's cocktail party and you are confident to make heads turn in that radiant red gown... the only thing that can dampen your spirits is one ugly looking zit staring at you in the mirror. Spots/pimples are every girl's nightmare and the fact that they can multiply, if ignored, is most terrifying.

What one fails to understand are the complexities associated with acne... What actually causes acne? What are the myths associated? What are the types of acne and how to tackle it? Dr. Tan, Sr. Medical Director at Kaya and founder of DermaRx gives detailed insights:

Expert Speaks:

Acne is a common skin condition that affects the face, chest and back of adolescents and adults. It is a chronic long term recurring condition. The most vulnerable period to develop acne is from puberty to young adulthood. The most common areas of body prone to acne are face, back and upper chest.

Types of acne

Facial acne
Our face is the most common area to develop acne. Breakouts can happen on any part of the face and the chin and upper lip areas are no exceptions. The basic problem is oil gland over-activity. This leads to the formation of whiteheads, which in turn become inflamed resulting in red pimples and other more severe forms of acne like bumps with pus and cyst. If left untreated, acne can result in scars and disfigurement of the face.

Apart from the face, back is the second most prone area to acne. Back acne or "bacne" is viewed as the same skin condition as facial acne. Two thirds of people with facial acne will have acne on the back. 20% of healthy adult males without facial acne have some acne on the back. Back acne is more common in males compared to females. Anything that repeatedly rubs against the skin, such as backpacks, rough massages, tight fitting clothing, weight lifting machines,or anything else that rubs the back area and irritates the skin can aggravate bacne.

Comedones (white/blackheads)
Our skin produces natural oil and the main cause of acne is oil gland over activity. This activity leads to the formation of comedones (whiteheads/blackheads). Comedones which are retained clog sebum and dead skin cells under the skin which in turn into inflamed red pimples. It is observed that comedones are more frequent in adults due to the regular application of comedogenic cosmetic products (cosmetics which contain comedogenic ingredients)

P acne (black/whiteheads turn into acne if not extracted in time)

Comedones which are retained for a long period of time clog sebum and dead skin cells under the skin. If they are neglected for long, the black/whiteheads become inflamed and infected by acne-causing bacteria called P acne. This condition results in red painful pimples which usually occur on the face, chest and back.

Common reasons for acne

1. Emotional stress and anxiety leading to hormonal imbalance
2. Squeezing pimples inappropriately aggravates the condition
3. Premenstrual flares
4. Cosmetic productscontaining comedogenic ingredients
5. Certain medical illnesses like Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in women

Busting the myths

Myth - Washing your face frequently can remove acne
Acne is not caused due to unclean surface, it is caused due to the blockage of the sebaceous glands, frequent friction on the face further aggravate the face acne, but yes good hygiene prevents the spread of infection further

Myth - Coffee, chocolates, deep fried and other high calorie food causes acne
There is no proved method to suggest that acne is caused by consumption of certain food. However following a healthy diet will always work in your favour and help achieve glowing skin and a healthy body

Myth - Toothpaste can treat acne and pimples
Toothpaste cannot treat acne, consult a dermatologist to fight acne and achieve an acne free skin

Tips for acne free complexion

1. Cleanse your face thoroughly before you sleep leaving no trace of makeup, use an effective 2. toner and allow your skin to breathe
3. Use good make up brands which do not contain comedogenic cosmetic products
4. Switch to water-based make up and avoid oil-based cosmetic products
5. Drink plenty of water, sufficient 8 hour sleep and a consume a balanced diet
6. Do not touch your face often as your hand is the biggest carrier of germs

Try Kaya's Acne Management program:

This revolutionary program is a seamless synergy of the latest sophisticated technology and powerful active ingredients, to build skin immunity for longer lasting results. It is conducted by trained dermatologists and can be customized based on your skin type and grade of acne, whether 'Mild', 'Moderate' or 'Severe'.The 4 key features of the program are Purify, Treat, Heal and Pro-Control. Purify is the first stage of tackling skin impurities and excess oil; Treat is the next step to prevent acne breakouts and bring it under control; Heal helps do away with scars and blemishes and Pro-Control prevents recurrence.

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Acne Treatment - Treating Acne with Epsom Salt & Sea Salt

Soaking your skin in an Epsom salt bath is a great way to combat body acne

Salt has quite a a small amount of uses as an acne home remedy, together with dissolving it on behalf of a relaxing bath, using it as a steam treatment, or mixing it with other ingredients to form a clean. However, on behalf of top results, plain old schedule salt won't figure out. The added nutrients in natural salts such as Epsom and sea salt give rise to a powerful difference. 

Why should you try Epsom salt?

Besides being widely existing on behalf of low-cost and quick to soften, Epsom salt's element composition makes it an ideal treatment for acne blemishes.

Epsom salt, or magnesium sulfate, is a naturally occurring mineral compound so as to is named on behalf of the city anywhere it was head distilled in Epsom, England. Unlike ordinary schedule salt (sodium chloride), Epsom salt contains sulfur and magnesium, both of which are powerful agents on behalf of soothing and detoxifying your skin. Its beneficial properties tolerate made it a leading ingredient on behalf of depletion in mineral baths, as well particular topical gels and creams.

Treating Acne with Epsom Salt & Sea Salt

Since you possibly will know if you've read my minerals for acne guide, magnesium is especially valuable on behalf of absorbing and activating basic vitamins and enzymes, as well as regulating insulin levels so as to can effect your body's production of sebum. One of the on the whole abundant and essential minerals in your body, it and aids in expelling toxins from your skin cells. Sulfur, a new factor of Epsom salt, is an antibacterial agent so as to promotes exfoliation and helps reduce ruddiness and swelling.

When dissolved in affectionate dampen, Epsom salt's ingredients will grasp quickly into your skin, distillation you from inside while working to unclog your pores, shed insensitive skin cells and make comfortable the inflammation caused by bad skin pustules or cysts. This remedy is and common to be positive on behalf of relieving pimples, sores, blisters, muscle aches and even intersection sorrow. 

Making an Epsom salt bath

Epsom salt is very affordable and available at most drugstores, department stores and grocery outlets. Draw some warm water for a bath, then pour in 2 cups of Epsom salt and wait for it to dissolve. Climb in and relax for at least 15-20 minutes before drying off. It's that easy. Many see a dramatic reduction in back acne just from doing this several times per week.

If you don't have time to draw a bath, or only need to treat your face, you can also use it as a poultice. Mix 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt with 1 cup of warm water, let it dissolve, and then apply it to your face using a cloth. Simply recline back for 15 minutes and let the wet compress do its work. Epsom salt is gentle enough for everyday use, though you should take care to keep strong concentrations away from your eyes.

If you have sensitive skin, another tip is to add vitamin C crystals to your bath or poultice. Vitamin C neutralizes the chlorine and chloramines in the water, which may otherwise cause irritation and damage to your skin. Add 1 tablespoon to a bath or just a fraction of that to your poultice mixture.    
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The Vein Care Center in Chicago (Varana Andy)

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Easy and Delicious Homemade Cottage Cheese (without Rennet)

Making homemade cottage cheese is so much easier than you might think.  If you are like me, you may not have tried to make your own because you either didn't know that you could, or because you'd heard that you must have an ingredient called "rennet". 

I've not searched for rennet in my local store but it's not an item that I've ever stumbled upon.  It just sounds like an ingredient that would need to be special ordered!

I was so excited to find a recipe that doesn't call for rennet at  It only calls for vinegar, milk, salt, and half-n-half (I just substituted milk for the half-n-half with amazing results).  If you like cottage cheese, you have got to try this recipe.  It's super easy and incredibly delicious!  Thanks macheesmo!

To make your cottage cheese you will need two ingredients to begin ~
1/2 cup white vinegar and 1/2 gallon of milk (that is 8 cups).  I used whole milk but
I think you could use skim, 1%, or 2% as well

1) Heat 1/2 gallon of milk on medium heat, stir slowly and constantly until the milk is approximately 120 degrees F.  Macheesmo didn't have a thermometer, and I didn't  either. He said to heat until the milk felt warm. I just heated the milk until it felt as warm as I like my showers.

2) Place a colander inside of a larger bowl to catch the whey that will soon be separated from the curds.

3) Line the colander with a tea towel, cheesecloth or similar clean cloth.  I used a clean baby blanket, the receiving type. 

4) Once the the milk has reached 120 degrees, remove from heat. Pour and gently stir in the 1/2 cup of vinegar. 

Immediately, the milk will start to curdle.  Very cool! 

Your concoction will look like this.

5) Put a lid on the pan and let sit for 30 minutes to cool down and firm up.
6) Pour mixture (gently) through cloth lined colander.

7) Remember to remove bowl with whey and rinse the curds in cold water.  I used my (clean) fingers to separate and rinse the curds. The rinsing helps remove the vinegar and cools your cheese down even more.

8) Gather cloth and gently squeeze out excess liquid. 

10) Mix 1/2 cup of milk or cream with 1/8th tsp salt (more or less to taste)
Add curds to the milk (or half n half) and salt mixture.

11) Gently stir mixture.  If it seems dry, you can add more milk or half-n-half.  Recipe made approximately 2 cups.

12) Cover and refrigerate.  This photograph was taken for informational purposes only.  Afterward, we basically ate the whole thing.

For a good resource on making your own dairy
products ~

Homemade Living: Home Dairy with Ashley English: All You Need to Know to Make Cheese, Yogurt, Butter & More

13) Save your whey to use in bread, shakes, soup, etc.  There are plenty of great ideas online on how to use this nutritional liquid.  I made bread with mine.  It was very tasty!
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