

Discovering Acne Treatment For Adult Acne

Although almost everyone would agree that acne is mostly predominant in teens and adolescents, acne is also a problem faced by many people as they get older.

Sometimes it is something that is carried over from their teen years and other times it is something that does not get to the point of being very noticeable until they reach middle age. Finding an effective acne treatment is just as important to this group of people as it is for teens, and for exactly the same reasons. One of the things that happens is that there is a psychological impact to having acne in middle age. Since this is known to be predominantly an affliction suffered by teens, there is the psychological setback that they "never grew up".

In addition, people in today's business world can be unforgiving when it comes to something like acne that is affecting someone in their middle age. The psychological impact can be withdrawal, depression, and avoidance of social or business settings with many people around. From a statistical standpoint, about 85% of teens are likely to suffer from noticeable signs of acne, while only about 12% of middle aged men and women suffer from acne. Researchers have been trying to find the reason for this. As stated earlier, in many cases it is carried over from their teens years and they have had an acne problem since about age 13 or 14. Other theories try to connect the acne with a change in life which can cause a chemical imbalance; testosterone in men and estrogen in women, although the results of this testing to date have been inconclusive. For the most part, the normal everyday stress of one's job or the workplace has been pretty much ruled out, although there is significant evidence to suggest that major stress factors can bring on acne in middle aged people.

This would be much more stress than one experiences on a day to day basis like with a major stress producing event such as a job layoff, a death of a close family member or friend, etc. In addition, for whatever reason, middle aged people tend to scratch at the acne. While for some this might be just a nervous tendency, the overall net effect is that the acne heals much more slowly and can leave scars. Middle aged people are known to be far less likely to see a doctor or dermatologist to suggest an acne treatment, which is thought primarily to be due to embarrassment about the condition. Many of them purchase over the counter medications although this is like shooting in the dark – everyone is different, and even many teens realize that an acne medication that works well for one person has almost no effect on another, and the same is true for middle aged people. As some people get older, one of the things that some experience is sensitive skin. What happens in this case is that the skin is more willing to yield to bacteria which is the root cause of acne. Acne treatment is available for middle aged men and women, and the same advice given to teens is applicable here. See your doctor or a dermatologist and ask what they would recommend. And above all, keep the affected areas washed and clean with a good pure soap to prevent the bacteria from being able to get started.


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