

Vinegar Orange Peel Homemade Cleaning Solution ~ Effective and All Natural


I found an idea on Pinterest for an all natural homemade cleaning solution using just white vinegar and orange peels.   I did change the method of preparation slightly.  This cleaner is non-toxic and powerful.  It's safe enough to drink

 (my 12 year old daughter tasted it and said it tastes like slightly sweet pickled oranges).

It works equally well on windows and surfaces.  I like the scent of it and the cost savings.  Of course, it always feels good to know that I've found a product that is non-toxic for both my children and our environment.

For additional reading on homemade cleaning products, check out the following -

Homemade: How-to Make Hundreds of Everyday Products Fast, Fresh, and More Naturally

The Naturally Clean Home: 150 Super-Easy Herbal Formulas for Green Cleaning

(Click HERE for updates/reviews on all my homemade cleaners)
The process is very simple ~
1) Boil 2-3 cups of white vinegar and
pour over orange peels packed into a
quart sized canning jar.

2) Let sit for several weeks OR
to speed up the extraction process,
water bath can the jar for 20 mins,
just as you would pickles.

3) Strain the infused vinegar well using a mesh strainer
Pour approximately 1 1/2 cups of the vinegar into an
empty, clean spray bottle.

4) Add water to fill the bottle.

5) Use cleaner just as you would use any
all purpose surface cleaner.  Safe, effective and CHEAP!

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